Claude Pandey


Claude Pandey of the PRA also told RT that an analysis of more than two decades of studies indicate that “there’s a good deal of evidence from both psychological and scientific research that we’re on a very different path than people assume.”

The report, published in October 2013, was based on the PRA’s own research into the psychological impact of climate change (pdf) and how it will effect societies.

“We also believe that we’ve had enough information now to develop policies, strategies, and practices that are appropriate and necessary to respond to this issue,” said Pandey.

He added that while the science does not permit conclusive conclusions to either side, we are still “pursuing our own investigations and exploring whether there are any new insights that we could be applying our science in a more practical manner.”

The report recommends that governments and industries begin to develop strategies and policies by the end of 2015, which would include “more stringent enforcement of existing environmental and social regulations,” the development of a public action plan, and the promotion of “transparent and robust public-private partnerships or similar forms of government engagement to implement these strategies.”

For instance, it states that it would be sensible to “develop a public policy to reduce fossil fuel emissions that are a significant contributor to climate change, in order to meet our commitment to protecting the planet and promoting the well-being of the people and their ecosystems” and “develop a public policy that would protect ecosystems and reduce demand for fossil fuels and carbon-intensive fossil fuels.

It concludes by asking: “What is our responsibility as a nation as a whole to confront climate change, how should we respond to the public health impact of climate change, how should we address the social/economic costs, and how should we address the political cost and the potential financial consequences of climate change across the globe?” It asks: “Do we have the capacity to act without public funding or mandate, and how should that capacity be developed within the current institutions that are the framework that provides the funding and mandate for these activities? This is a challenging question.”

In its November 2013 report, the PRA noted, “While many questions have arisen about climate change in the last several decades, the degree of evidence that can be gained about the potential impacts of the changes in climate on human health is becoming increasingly clear with increased scientific and technological advances and increased awareness about the health impacts to human society of climate change.”

Claude Pandey

Location: Osaka , Japan
Company: Cognizant Technology Solutions
